Research infrastructures

In order to support outstanding research at a national and European scale and to foster the growth of open and integrated systems of research, innovation, technology transfer, knowledge and skills in the R&D system, the DSU supports and coordinates Italy’s participation in the main European research infrastructures included in the ESFRI Roadmap (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) and in the National Research Infrastructures Plan (PNIR) – ESFRI Social & Cultural Innovation (S&CI) Area – ERC Sectors – Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH).

DSU and Digital Research Infrastructures in Social and Cultural Innovation

European Research Infrastructures (RI) in S&CI provide access to facilities, expertise, resources, tools, data and related advanced services for

  • the scientific community, to carry out high quality research.
  • to the main R&D stakeholders (universities, policy makers, PA, enterprises, cultural institutions, third sector, etc.), for the development of research training, applied research, innovation and technology transfer, skills and knowledge, in the logic of Open Science and Open Innovation.

The CNR is leading Italy’s participation in the main European Research Infrastructures (IR) in the Social & Cultural Innovation (S&CI) sector, included in the ESFRI Roadmap 2021 and/or in the National Research Infrastructures Plan (PNIR) 2021 – 2027:

New S&CI Research Infrastructures included in the ESFRI Roadmap 2021

Starting in 2023, the DSU supports the implementation and development of new European research infrastructures (ESFRI Project) in the area of Social Sciences:

GGP (Generations & Gender Programme)

Distributed European research infrastructure aiming to provide researchers, scholars and policy makers with high quality and transnationally comparable longitudinal data on demographic and family dynamics to meet today's major scientific and societal challenges.

GGP is based on the collection, documentation and dissemination of data from nationally and Europe-wide representative large-scale surveys. It provides data on transitions to adulthood, family dynamics, fertility decisions, work-life balance, well-being and intergenerational exchanges. GGP maintains a European contextual database that includes a wide range of macro-level indicators, characterising the social, economic and institutional context of European countries, to support empirically informed policy-making on families and populations.

GUIDE (Growing Up In Digital Europe: EuroCohort)

The first European comparative birth cohort survey: a European research infrastructure that will provide a benchmark for high quality longitudinal statistics for the development of social policies to improve the well-being of children, young people and their families across Europe.

GUIDE/EuroCohort will be a cohort survey including a sample of infants and a sample of school-age children. Both cohorts will be interviewed using a common questionnaire and data collection methodology at regular intervals until the age of 24. The data will be used by a broad community of researchers in the fields of health, child development, family studies, psychology, sociology, demography and economics and will generate cross-cultural comparative results of potentially great value for the implementation of services for children and youth, and for the development of regional, national and European policies and initiatives in these fields.

Last updated: 13 October 2023