DARIAH ERIC – Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities – European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ESFRI Landmark)

Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities. DARIAH aims to improve and support excellent research, teaching and innovation in the arts and humanities.

DARIAH provides expertise, knowledge, content, methods, tools and digital services, which are made accessible to the academic and research communities, the business world and civil society, in the logic of Open Science and Open Innovation.

The IR develops, maintains and operates a digital infrastructure to support ICT-based research practices and supports researchers in their use for the creation, analysis, interpretation and curation of digital resources, ensuring the implementation and application of best practices and international methodological and technical standards.

DARIAH develops national and international research training, training and Knowledge and Technology Transfer activities and initiatives, in collaboration with the academic and business worlds, fostering and supporting the development of new interdisciplinary SSH research areas and new open digital ecosystems of research and innovation within the thematic area Tourism, Cultural Heritage and Creativity Industry.

Last updated: 13 October 2023