CESSDA – ERIC – Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives – European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ESFRI Landmark)

A large-scale European digital research infrastructure of the ERIC type, providing the scientific community with facilities, tools, datasets, expertise and certified services, to conduct research of excellence in the social science domain, contributing to the development of effective tools and solutions to address some of the major global social challenges of the 21st century: health, demographic change, well-being, inclusive societies, secure societies.

CESSDA’s primary goals

  • To foster and promote the use of high quality data in social, economic and policy research;
  • to provide a distributed and integrated digital infrastructure for the secure and certified management, preservation, exploitation and re-use of research data in the social sciences, in order to support excellent research, higher education and innovation within the European Research Area, with a view to Open Science and Open Innovation
  • develop and coordinate the implementation of standards, protocols and best practices in archiving and management of research data (data curation);
  • implement policies, services, standards and best practices to make research data open and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable), according to the principles of Open Science;
  • actively participate in the development of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).

Last updated: 13 October 2023