OPEN DOORS Festival at CNR: #culturalheritage in green and digital transitions
A festival for Cultural Heritage in green and digital transitions
Three days entirely dedicated to Cultural Heritage and the professions and activities that characterize this vibrant research sector, with various communication formats aimed at different audience segments, to celebrate Cultural Heritage in the context of the centenary celebrations of the National Research Council.
TheInstitute of Cultural Heritage Sciences (ISPC) of the CNR, the Department of Human and Social Sciences, Cultural Heritage (DSU) and the Centenary Honorary Committee of the CNR, present ‘OPEN DOORS AT CNR: #culturalheritage in green and digital transitions’, a three-day festival full of events and meetings, aimed at different audience segments. The event falls within the framework of the centenary celebrations of the founding of the National Research Council.
The Festival will take place in Florence from October 10 to 12, 2023, in the evocative spaces of Manifattura Tabacchi, the city’s new district animated by a vibrant community of culture, fashion, art, and design The former Florentine cigar factory, designed by Pier Luigi Nervi in the 1930s, has been reborn thanks to an ambitious regeneration project, becoming a place complementary to the historic center, characterized by creativity and sustainable development. Manifattura Tabacchi, thanks to the purchase and provision of the space by the Fondazione CR Firenze, in agreement with the National Research Council, hosts the headquarters of the ‘European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science (E-RIHS)‘, the European hub for research on Cultural Heritage coordinated by the same CNR.
Last updated: 5 October 2023